Philosophy in Science


Director and Publisher:
A. G. Pacholczyk
Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson
and Pachart Foundation, Tucson
Managing Editor:
William R. Stoeger, S.J.
Vatican Observatory Research Group
Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson
Michael Heller
Pontifical Academy of Theology, Cracow
Vatican Observatory, Castel Gandolfo
Józef M. Życiński
Catholic University of Lublin
Pachart Publishing House
ISSN 0277-2434
Philosophy in Science

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
of the
Specola Vaticana
(Vatican Observatory)

Papieska Akademia Teologiczna
(Pontifical Academy of Theology)



Pachart Foundation

A forum for the articulation
and discussion
of philosophical issues
arising within the sciences

Table of Contents:
Volume  or Search 

Philosophy in Science is a periodical for the articulation of philosophical issues arising with the sciences. Philosophy in Science aims to promote mutually enriching dialog at the professional level among scientists, philosophers, theologians and philosophers of science. Philosophy in Science also publishes papers that are not in accord with or critical of its viewpoints as long as these papers contribute to better understanding of philosophical significance of scientific data.

Sponsoring Organizations: Philosophy in Science is published by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, an international scientific institution sponsored by the Vatican Astronomical Observatory, the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Academy of Theology (Cracow), and the Pachart Foundation, a Nonprofit Association, whose goal is to foster scholarly works oriented toward bridging the gap between the natural sciences and the humanities.

Editorial Office: Manuscripts and any correspondence regarding manuscripts and editorial matters should be sent to Dr. William R. Stoeger, S.J., Managing Editor, Philosophy in Scince, 1130 San Lucas Circle, Tucson, AZ 85704, U.S.A. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form on a 3.5" PC diskette together with a printout; the manuscript should follow the Philosophy in Science format and include a one hundred word abstract.

Book Rewiev Office: Review copies of books should be sent to A. P. Tost, Philosophy in Science, Book Review Office, 1130 San Lucas Circle, Tucson, AZ 85704, U.S.A.

Business Office: Subscriptions, back orders, advertising and business correspondence should be addressed to Pachart Publishing House, Box 35549, Tucson, AZ 85740, U.S.A.

Philosophy in Science Library (General Editors: M. Heller and J. Życiński)
  1. Michael Heller, The World and the Word: Between Science and Religion.
  2. A.G. Pacholczyk, The Catastrophic Universe: An Essay in the Philosophy of Cosmology.
  3. Joseph M. Życiński, The Structure of the Meta-Scientific Revolution: An Essay on the Growth of Modern Science.
  4. Joseph M. Życiński, Three Cultures: Science, Humanities and Religious Values.
  5. G. Tanzella-Nitti, Questions in Science and Religious Belief: The Roles of Faith and Science in Answering the Cosmological Problem.

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